Project Intro.

Initial Project Analysis

Business analysis

What do we want to achieve ? – organisation and timing.

  • Energy – What drives success ?
    • emotional drivers – fun makes work harder – comfort fight laziness – trust make teams – mood fuels success energy.
    • organisation – main input is our time. It should be focused on business development and design while automating operations to the extreme.
      • things should be discussed once and stored for further use
      • meeting should be structured and set relevantly.
    • strategy
      • business is moving fast and should be constantly watched out.
    • market timing
    • running costs pressure
    • management style – coordination.
    • segments performance
  • Goals
    • develop a platform to sell local services to Swiss or international investors
    • real estate
    • architecture
    • home design
    • financing
    • administration
    • language translation
  • Offering
    • multiple leg businesses
    • focused on client needs – multi-language & northern based client facing structure.
    • open scalable & orientable over time.
    • service providers subscriptions based adherence.
  • Revenu model
    • outsourcing platform
    • low fixed costs structure
    • adjustable as we progress
  • Team organisation
    • cross training system
    • roles
    • outsourcing partners integration
    • communications

Web design

Client focused & project based experience

  • setting up color swatch, style and mood & Logo
  • vocabulary selection
  • website structure & tools
  • optimising workflows for business performance
  • Innovative project based studio – this should be the main investment area. 
  • delivery controls – timing and eyes 4 eyes check. 
  • AI power.
  • location based e-marketing


The goal is to build the tools to fully automate this area. From initial client RIO to invoice and production of financial statements.

  • business cards
  • company registration
  • accounting system
  • Return on investment sheets
  • outsourcing model 
  • HR – CVs production
  • opening banks relationships
  • online subscription tools for entry services. 

Technology analysis

Review design and rendering tools to offer fast extraction production of clients expectations. AI is not coming, its already here! People just take time to realise.

  • Build a model to analyse clients personality, lifestyle, ambitions capacity. Mix or client filled forms enrich with media content and studio templates to suggest him moods and explore possibilities.
  • Virtual studio concept – powerful rendering tools to help client  ( and us) visualising in real time what he wants.
  • multidisciplinary approach with an efficient task split tools and deadline management.
  • voice stay on voice and meetings on video – we don’t spend time writing or repeating if not necessary. 

Client experience

Conceive client experience from landing on the home page through concrete realisation of his dreams – trailer. We market Athens riviera and winter lifestyle, raise his interest, help him  envisage personal situations, analyse possibilities, show him concrete options, realise services and help him with finance, admin, communication until delivery of fully furnished solutions. We will initially provide free service to analyse his situation but the projects will not be released until he contacts. Design costs will then come either as a service or a commission will be given and offset once he really buys with us properties or furnitures. We will provide  free introduction to explain the constrains of greek admin, language etc but personalised review will be set once the project (contract) is signed. it is essential to remain free as long as we need to grow the interest (or drop the client if we don’t like him) while setting guarantees as we start providing concrete advices or design services. As soon as he costs he needs to pay – we can be easy with the first clients as they will help us with good reviews.r

  • The client should be dragged into the website because its fun and offers immediate responses to his questions – or at least make him confident he his in the right place. 
  • we can then offer tools to engage without intention to sell – it’s free & fun
  • branding: Fun and profesional
    • solid network of seasoned professional – example of realisations.
    • technology showing we are at the forfront of the industry.

Design & Architectural offering

It is essential to give a good picture here as the credit of the brand rely on it. clients will see the traditional or real aspect of the business in this section.

Introduction of 2 architects

  • home architecture
  • commercial projects
  • large scale realisations
  • tailor furniture design

broader concept: 

  • benefit from experience of furniture retailers, home designers and real estate agents to offer services at a larger scale while offering them possibility to partner with us.
  • possibility to produce successful products with external furniture makers
  • once successful we can eventually discuss a financing arm in Switzerland to fund commercial projects and provide professional consulting services.

Network Extension

Through network we leverage the level of services by benefiting from their experience to enhancing our offer while giving them the possibility to participate.

  • Real estate agents
  • Home designers
  • Architects
  • finance brokers
  • lawyers
  • greek administration
  • Swiss partners eventually in geneva or Basel.


Understand regulations to optimise the company set with a business and tax efficient structure


Help clients visualising and understanding the costs and evaluate their capacity to finance. 

  • initially check if we can work with local brokers
  • once successful we can eventually discuss a financing arm in Switzerland to fund commercial projects and provide professional consulting services.
  • evaluate the capacity of the company to finance itself through scaling stages.